Friday, September 30, 2011


you felt so right, so i left…
427 miles until i reached your pillow case
and even though i sat cozy in the driver's seat of a chevy
you felt like a leap of faith
see, i was never the type to see distance and be attracted
my idea of romance existed within a 50 mile radius
but the moment we kissed, i realized what inspired Thomas Edison.
you electrocute every nerve in my nervous system that that nervous feeling is non-existent,
so when we hug, it's just natural.
like lightning imitating nature's electricity,
you are electric.
you even make 5am wake ups worth it
because the reflections of the sunrise on the windows of the city's endless hills are pretty damn reminiscent of the glare in your eyes and the smile on your face.
fuck it, im cliche.
but when i drive, i think of you.
you've embedded yourself so deep in my brain like i was a fiend that sniffed so hard,
it institutionalized me.
but i still want you bad.
something like the urge to cut lines of cocaine while going through withdrawal in rehab type of bad.
it's as if cupid lost his arrow and has been trying to shoot you with a pistol
but for the past 21 years, he was sighting incorrectly.
…until now.
books and books of words that you opened my ears to
stories upon stories that gracefully stumbled out of your lips with tantalizing diction
and still,
i have not but 1/8 of what your life has been.
a mystery to me from an island where your foundation was laid.
but i want to learn you
i want to mix smoothies with you
mix beats, mix emotions,
mix limbs.
your fiji apple lips to my strawberry kiss.
you are my muse
i haven't written in years but you make it effortless to speak
from prose to staccato to the measures of music that you make my heart groove to
beat skipping, leap frog
impactful tactics like guessing all the coordinates of my battleships.
see, i was always taught not to use "like" in my speech
but its no longer just a space filler.
it's become the filling to the space between your freckle-eyed brown eyes and mine
like that air of silence, like that air of laughter
boiling down into complete insanity of our hands pressed
singing songs to the rhythm of our heart's desires.
you make me want to jump out of excitement
but i always fall back because you've made my knees too weak to absorb the landing.
so when i land to you, i gain justification
because the moment i left, it felt so right.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

unfinished Sept. freewrite


it's already revealed itself
to be so much more than just "worth it"
like i'm giving meaning to mean so much more
and more than anything,
enhanced beyond any imagined possibilities

i find myself leaning on figures of speech
itching for natural progressions
to reveal what has already become so obvious,
even to the oblivious,
that this is so much more than just the ordinary
the regular and the expected
in the everyday struggle to aim to get higher
to dream bigger
and to live better
i find myself happier
than what words can merely describe
speechless often

he gave meaning to all that
to reveal he's more than all that
he makes words unworthy of describing this feeling
i'm itching for a new way of expressing it
new words to suit this new fit
but i know i'm on the right track...

i'm almost there
building this foundation of every dream as it hits reality
colliding with my awakened soul
breaking down all my limitations
i'm rebuilding my dreams
brick by brick
building this foundation
watching red bricks turn yellow
and i know i'm on the right track
not sure where i'm headed
...just following my yellow brick road.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


will i ever fully grasp
      why you do the things you do?

      does this even matter? when
         your actions-- all pure and true

      knowing you could be struck down;
         the risk of being smashed apart or turned away

      the conscious refusal to let anything sway you in the end

         incites me to rebuild my ways.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big Tree Small Pond

Will this seed ever become a tree?
It's been years of gradual growth,
but it seems like it will never reach the skies.
With so much redwoods blanketing the middle ground,
it's hard not to look up.

But in a great intimidation the rays of light are blocked.
Plenty of other trees can grow without light but why not this one?
I'm frustrated because I want it to reach the heavens,
and I want it to tower over the entire earth.
I'll let it become the great land mark of the entire universe.
The Great Wood outdoing mother earth itself as a host of life.

But this sapling can only dream.
It can't help but sigh up and down with the autumn wind.
quickly swallowing any taste of light it can get.
slowly it grows and slowly it extends.

It whistles in the wind,

"I'm going to be up there one day,

you'll see..."