Monday, July 23, 2007


it's not 2am yet
and i watched the minutes pass slowly
my fingers inching away from seconds
and redefining moments away from time

time slipping through
and rather reshaped
by the images i painted onto the canvas
no longer blank

peaceful days cry through days of happiness
tears seeping through the smiles
i displayed like a broken heart
to remind us all what it's like to be mended again

i touched slowly...
and pinched that second
to burst and ooze of more time
i should have been more careful
now i've got minutes smeared all over
dripping off my fingertips

and i wonder...
what i've been doin with all this time
it was materializing
like silly puddy in my hands

so this time
i used my fingerprints
to mold the seconds
a pathway to follow my future
in the palm of my hands
and show me
how long it would really take
to live
bit of time
bit of a moment
i have found.

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