Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Walk Away

wrote long time ago

i walk away resisting the crack of my neck,
never looking back to the path
where i hung my heart on the tree we grew together,
i keep my head up, reminding myself
how high the life i lived with you was so close to the sun,
always bright and warming to the soul
but never losing its potential,
and my head still hurts from clashing
our metaphoric mental memories agaisnt eachother
not knowing the impact would paint a story so valuable to creativity,
so i leave subliminal messages in the canvases
i leave for you to admire, reminding me to smile again
about how our life began,
but i sit here "half crazy"s" resonating through my 'ear drum',
but 'hot thing' i would tread 'across the universe'
for this moment to last a lifetime in paint tubes
to be found years later for other lovers
to create what real passion is.
and to believe something like this ever existed
is as vivid as the nights moon reflection on your vibrant caramel complection.
dark skin tone tattoed as your right to reign queen
and conquer all with your peace.
but im sorry my queen, dont look down for me
i will be far long beyond your sight
hoping your eyes be blessed with love more meant for your intent.
let my footsteps imprint thoughts
to be only left as remnants of what we had,
because i have to walk away knowing
i cut you deeply leaving it all behind
in the gold coloring book left in the crates of records
that inspired our hearts to weave together.
so im sorry and goodbye and for now i walk away not looking back at what could of been...

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