Monday, January 11, 2010

just another freewrite

Inspiration is so hard to come by

or so the little girl wept

explained that there's nothing in this world except corruption and negative connects

she'll connect poverty to war and connect violence into drug use

so I told her that inspiration isn't always positive

its up to the writer to portray it as positive

by all means be inspired by the ugliest things

because in reality, how inspiring really is a diamond ring

its not

I told her that corruption can be a love song and to bridge gaps between the connection of negative and positive

see like a battery you need both to work

so i'll connect poverty to humanity and connect drug use into well shit

drug use takes you beyond your average thought

and who ever said that thinking outside the box was ever a bad thing

im just saying

inspiration is not hard to come by

inspiration just a noun

a person place thing or idea

now tell me that ain't every where

1 comment:

pissipissi baobao said...

I really like this one. And I agree, inspiration is everywhere, just have to open your eyes.