Thursday, May 6, 2010

Inkless Pen - (May 2010 prompt)

He cannot spit,
He cannot emote,
He cannot express,
He cannot write what he really wants to say.
challenged by uncertainty,
disturb by his thoughts,
troubled by his confidence,
pressured by his repetition of common cliche.
an insomniac soul,
a deteriorating health,
a regretful past,
a bothered heart beating in cold grip.
The knee hurts,
The walls don't speak,
The family is strong,
The sun is brighter than last year's trip.
She was a recent smile,
She was the triple eyed,
She was a second time,
She was the first faded image of these four.
it tries to speak,
it wants to relive,
it attempts a scream,
it hopes to achieve more than it asks for.
wondering if they listened
understanding their insecurity
believing they're true
hoping there is more to what's already been said.
They write willingly
They write openly
They write unknowingly
They write this in place because their art is dead.


Anonymous said...


i really love this entry of yours because basically i could relate a little... would you mind if i reblog this?

Mash Uppercut said...

sure! just as long as the credit's there. =)

Anonymous said...

sure... thanks by the way!

Anonymous said...

you can visit my blog: