Tuesday, February 26, 2008

an excerpt from an old cheesy one

you and i
a glimpse
a note
a painting
a shared vision of sunsets set in utopias unknown to this earth
a premeditated, preconceived notion
of consummate unity
being one
that love truly does exceed all limitations
break down all barriers
and dismantle all defenses
in a world devoid of collectivity and love
we're not perfect
but you and i
we'll strive to give ourselves as bridges over spaces that lack
we'll live in the rewards of our decorated past
i'll let you be you and me be me
but grow closer to shared peace than we ever thought before
you say let the hurts lay in yesterday's fragility
and i say look forward to tomorrow beginnings
but the present exists as a balance of the two
and we live in all three
even if urgency inhabits the moment
we can never forget that a moment is but a mere twinkle
a piece of sunshine in the eyes of the light
and your eyes tell me you love me
they smile away the inconsequential
they allow me to dream about memories both past and yet to be
they pierce each layer of my weary soul
and thats where we'll really live
you and i
in each other

1 comment:


"the present exists as a balance of the two and we live in all three"
