I started the sketch at Kentwig bowling. Girl in the lane next to us asked if she could look through my book.. it eventually sparked the typical convo of what I do with my art and stuff. After I said my "nice to meet yalls, have a good night" they wanted to see what I was sketching.
One of them said "she kinda looks like she's bending backwards"
Afterwards in the car I told ant, "It's funny how I don't really know the meaning behind my own drawings sometimes. But the more I hear people's reactions, the more it makes sense sometimes."
One of them said "she kinda looks like she's bending backwards"
Afterwards in the car I told ant, "It's funny how I don't really know the meaning behind my own drawings sometimes. But the more I hear people's reactions, the more it makes sense sometimes."
*bows down*
lmao ok ok ok...
but you know i hella jock.
"is this your scrapbook?" LOL
yay shwin keep posin PLS! thankssss =]
oh sherwin. you and your amazing art...
I loooooooooooooooooooove it. Your art is beautiful. =). And what you said is true. Sometimes we don't understand the meaning of our art until someone else can make sense of it. Deep shit, yo. Can't wait to see more posts from you!
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