Thursday, May 31, 2007


capricious emotion indicted by snapping synapses misfiring. electric current with the additives subtracting the serendipitous birth of love. raindrops from the clouded ozone torn by a drifting catalyst appropriating the morning gold. valuable sundrops evaporating like two hydrogens clinging to a lone oxygen. a small girl bottles up her love and loathing and spills it onto a canvas with colored sustanance. salty oceans drip into a massive pool and collectively scream a lovesong to the festering morals in the archangel's pupils. instantaneous reparations for the collapse of rome come in the form of a gentle fingertip to the lips. hush now and listen to the world drown now, down now, deeper now, forevermore and nevermore. it's a poetic verse without any syllables dancing on her tongue and in my tympanic membrane. the ocean rumbles against my nerve endings and shouts to my brain to renege...

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