Saturday, May 26, 2007


yo!!! i just went skydiving for the first time today -- it was soooo crazydope!!! hella reminded me of this piece i wrote a while back...enjoy!

i am flying where the sky is boundless
its origin and my path both unknown
i fly among the clouds that carry me through this beautiful abyss
where the night sky resides
yet the sun lit my way to it first
and the stars create the melodies that i wish to dance with
that i want to have pounding on my eardrums
settled onto the clouds that leave my mind in a trance
of amazement and wonder
these sights leave me speechless
and even if I had just wandered in circles
the sights would never bore me
and suddenly in my carelessness
lost among my own glazed eyes
i trip off of the clouds i’m floating on
and begin my descent from the highest heavens
i find no fear in the fall
it is in the freedom to fall that i find my joy

captured and safe among the waves of the ocean
where the waters of this inspiration have caught me
freely floating in all directions
- they are the gifts i have been given -
and with no specific destination
in it – i find my solace
of aimless wandering in an ocean
filled with endless chances i can take
knowing that I may do what I feel
and my thoughts embrace each chance
to speak to you
or just admire you
in adoration i may stare
or in fear i can turn away
the words i find in this ocean of inspiration
have freed my thoughts…
they release my anxieties and shape my fears
encompassing my joy in a world
where my expression can now be more than possible
more than seen
and more than felt…

i surf these waves of inspiration freely
with no fear of falling
the choice to fall is what i long for
intrigued by the depths that i don’t fear
they are the source of my expression
yet my voice
longing to be heard
is weak and soft
in this ocean of inspiration i can no longer wander alone
words must accompany me
and music must lift me
that for the moment i do fall in the waters
my choice to drown is a beauty in itself
lost in the wonderland
that i can read of my journey
and speak of my next steps
with each line written
and each syllable voiced
the waves get stronger
and the melody is sung louder
attention all bassline surfers
poetry has now been set in motion…

1 comment:

tophu. said...

this sounds like something you would have wrote after skydiving! haha, hella good as always, my friend!